Need Milgard Tuscany 8225T screen door handle replacement

by MK
(Seal Beach, CA)

Purchased s Milgard Sliding glass door with the screen in 2010. My tenant broke the handle and cannot find it now in 2019.

I can't find anything that can replace it. There is no clearance to completely shut the screen door with anything I have tried.

Can you recommend a replacement?

Thank you, MK

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Aug 31, 2019

by: Adrian

It looks like it uses a "butterfly" type of lock which is pretty standard in the industry.

These are sheet metal stamped locks that look a bit like the shape of a butterfly. They usually slip right inside the door frame and have a metal tab that pokes out inside the plastic handle.

Usually a little plastic knob slips over the plastic tab so you can slide the lock up and down

Theres an opening cut into the screen door that the butterfly lock goes into. Is it 2", 3" or 4" wide ?

If its 2" or 3" you should be able to find a replacement at big box store like Home Depot or Lowes or at a local glass shop.

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