Need Ador Hi Lite screen door roller

by Fonya

Top Hung Roller (1960's screen door)

Top Hung Roller (1960's screen door)


We have a very old screen door which is basically still in good shape but it's time to replace the rollers.

However....we cannot seem to find replacements ANYWHERE! It's a top hung door but the roller is horizontal, rather than vertical, which is what I'm finding everywhere.

Where is the best place to find a replacement part for such a door?

Many thanks,

Fonya S

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Apr 29, 2020
by: Adrian

Hi Sonya;

What you need is a Slide-Co or Prime-Line #1142 top hung roller. I posted the picture of this one next to your picture.

A lot of these old rollers are discontinued. They were originally used by the Ador Hi-Lite window and door company.

I dont have any, checked with a couple of my suppliers and they dont have either. Hopefully a local glass shop might have some old ones lying around

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