Top Hung Screen Door Kit

by Ingrid H

Is there such a thing as a kit to adapt a regular sliding screen patio door to a top hung door? I have a top hung sliding screen door, but i am unable to find a top hung door in my area. Do these kits exist?

Hi Ingrid;

Yes a kit can be put together but the difficulty is the different kinds of top hung rails on patio doors. Some have rails facing to the outside and others have rails facing inside.

Each one requires different parts to adapt a regular screen door so I would need you to send me pictures of your top rail and bottom screen door rail to decide if its possible.

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Sep 02, 2024
Top hung screen door
by: Sreens Only

I have a small business close to Myrtle Beach, SC
Some of the condos at the beach have commercial patio doors with top hung screen doors. Very nice 1"x3" heavy screen door frame with a guide on the center of the bottom extrusion. I build screen doors and window screen at the shop here and cannot find a quality top hung screen door anywhere. 843-241-8817

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