T spline for Super Screen

by MDV
(Eastern NC, USA)

I have a screened in back porch constructed with aluminum extrusions, similar to (or the same as) a pool lanai. It presently uses T spline that measures .195" across the top ot the t. It is installed with the top facing out. I wish to replace at least the bottom section with Super Screen; our cats as well as some outside critters have been damaging it. I have replaced a few sections using regular spline; it doesn't hold well. Is .195 spline available? Is that the correct size with the Super Screen?


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Oct 08, 2023

by: Adrian


The closest T spline sizes I have are 0.185" and 0.155" wide across the "T"

If you use a thicker screen cloth you will need to use a thinner spline otherwise it will be impossible to roll the spline back in.

Best thing is to try one small section and I send you both splines so you can see which one fits best

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