Storm Door mishap

by Sally
(Ocean Shores Wa )

Hi, about a year ago I slide the glass portion up, the screen retracts. The string on the retractable part popped out. Now the window will not come down. It’s like everything is frozen solid. Can you help?

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Jun 19, 2020
Retractable screen jammed
by: Adrian

Hi Sally;

The first thing I would try to do is remove the glass sash.

Usually they come out by lifting them up as high as possible then pulling the bottom of the glass out of the side tracks then pulling them all the way down

Some storm doors have removeable side tracks to get the glass out. Others have foam rubber behind one track that allows you to push the glass to one side enough that one side pops out

I dont know what kind of storm door your is so its difficult with actually being there to see how it comes apart

The string is interesting. It sounds like its jamming the window from sliding but its probably a bracket that secures the string thats come loose and is jamming the movable sash.

I would be pushing the sash from side to side and up and down trying to unstick it. Sometimes by doing that you can actually feel the area where its stuck or has resistance.

Sometimes if you know where the point where its sticking you can slip a tiny srewdriver blade in between the track and the sash and push the stuck point out of the way.

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