Replace patio door handle

by Derrick W
(San Francisco, CA USA)

Holes are 4 15/16

Holes are 4 15/16

Hi, I need your expertise. My patio door latch does not stay in the "locked"position. This is the third time in 20 years I've had to replace the handle. My workaround was to pull the door slightly open so the latch through friction would stay in the locked position. I also have a wooden dowel in the patio door channel to prevent it from opening.

Anyways, I've included pictures of my patio door handles and on your site. I'd like to switch the handle style but I want to avoid the mock failing after a couple of years. I was told a small plastic piece always fails internally. Any suggestions? Would this product from Amazon work?

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Sep 22, 2020
Patio door wont stay locked
by: Adrian

When the hook in the mortise lock stays out or wont come out at all its because of a broken spring inside the lock itself.

Have you tried replacing the lock ? It looks like a standard Prime Line E2014 mounted on a faceplate.

The handle set looks fine. You have the thumbturn lever that actuates the lock and it does not look like its broken.

Also check the hasp that the lock hooks on to. Sometimes they can be badly worn so that the latch hook slips off al the time

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