Renter liked the patio door handle so they took it

by Aaron R
(Bakersfield, CA)

Holes in side of sliding door

Holes in side of sliding door

I have a rental the tenant moved out of. When I looked at the sliding glass door this is what I found. Could you help me on how to identify what locking mechanism and handle assembly I can purchase to replace what has been removed?

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Apr 14, 2021

by: Adrian

The mortise lock you need is probably a Prime-Line E2014 like this:

I need the length of the oval slot to 100% sure, but if the slot is longer its just a matter of substituting the same lock with an escutcheon plate. Need the dimensions of the slot to figure that out.

The handle will most likely be one like this:

There are literally dozens of handles with 3-15/16 bolt spacing which will fit the E2014 lock and your door. Just need to confirm your door has 3-15/16" hole spacing for the handle

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