Quarter turn locks missing

by Russ
(Chester County PA)

We have wood storm doors with interchangeable glass and screen inserts. These are held in place with quarter turn metal tabs recessed into the door frame, and which engage a slot milled into the edge of the insert's frame. We have one or two of the tabs missing. Where can I find them and how are they installed?

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Jun 24, 2021

by: Adrian

I have never seen these specific quarter turn locks, they look quite old, probably something made by the builder of the storm door many years ago.

As well i cant tell how the locks go in through the back. It's possible they put them in and glued the door together.

But the fact that some have fallen out suggest there is room behind to install new ones. Perhaps as the hole gets old and sloppy it can no longer hold them in.

About the only way to replace them would be to build something new and you would need a local TIG welder to weld a tiny plate to a suitable screw.

Would also need to pull out one of the existing ones to see exactly how its put together.

You could add screws to the screen frame and abandon the old locks altogether but i understand you might want to preserve the door in original condition.

These locks are a nice neat way to hold the screen in

Another option might be small neodynium magnets screwed all the way around the back of the screen frame.

I used these on my bifold closet doors to keep the clothes from pushing them open. When the doors are closed you cant see them.

You could do something similar by glueing smaller diameter magnets in the screen frame and steel washers in the door frame for them to stick on to.

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