Patio door handle Prime Line C1084

by Yury C
(La Canada, CA)

Prime Line C1084

Prime Line C1084

I spent a lot of the time, but not able to find the C1084 lock or any other, with the space between the centers of holes 2-11/16 inch for sliding glass door to my backyard.
I need to buy or new C1084, or other 2-11/16", or as a minimum to buy the "Door Keeper" Part which has to fit this model - this part is fully destroyed.

So, the door is open, but I don't want to drill new holes and remake my door, yet...
Please, could you help me?
Sorry, for bothering you...
Thank you in advance!

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Apr 08, 2020

by: Adrian

Hi Yury I emailed you, my friend at California Sliding Door Parts & Repair is right next to you in Winnetka CA, he has parts and can help you

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