Nite Lock Replacement

by Frankie V.
(Riverview, FL)

Missing Night Lock

Missing Night Lock

Selling our townhouse and the buyer is asking us to fix the Nite Lock. I never even noticed it was missing as we never used it and the actual lock still works. We also have 2 additional locks (J-hook and door stoppers), so there is really no need for the Nite Lock. Anyone know where I can find this mechanism?

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Oct 17, 2020

by: Adrian

I have seen these locks in Home Depot or Lowes from time to time. They are made by Ideal and there are a number of them that look similar and share the same mounting dimensions.

Take the lock off and bring it with you in the store to find one that is the same. Its worth checking local glass shops too as they may have direct replacement

Its a little less common to find white locks so you might need to try a black one. The Night lock might be a slide instead of the lever that yours had.

If you cant find one locally call or email me and I can send you one. I will need more pictures of the lock off the door to make sure the dimensions are correct

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