Need a handle replacement for an old patio door

by Dave
(Adirondack, NY)

Inside handle

Inside handle

Hello, I have patio door that is decades old and of unknown manufacture that came with our camp. It is difficult to open and close from the outside because it has no handle, instead it has recessed hand hold. Short if replacing the entire patio door, what kind of handle could I purchase that will work here? I have considered simply drilling holes and mounting an extra handle that my Grandson can easily reach and use to open the door. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Jul 19, 2022

by: Adrian

Hi Dave;

No problem replacing that lock its still made by Fasco and widely available:

Those old locks are notorious for crushed finger injuries when someone tries to stop the door from closing by grabbing the vertical jamb of the door.

So its a great idea to add a handle on the outside below the old lock so your Grandson can reach.

You can get an extra matching handle like the one used on the inside here:

The only issue is that it may stick out too much and interefere with the screen door closing.

If it does there are plenty of simple plastic handles that you can get in the hardware store that will work.

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