Mortise style sliding door lock

by Steve S
(Colorado Springs, USA)


I just moved into a new house and the lock on my sliding door has broken. Can you help me find the correct one. I don't know any info about the door, but I have attached a couple of pictures.

Thank you


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Aug 19, 2019
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the info. I will check them out.

Aug 18, 2019

by: Adrian

Hi Steve;

Those are Fasco mortise style patio door locks and they can usually be found at Home Depot. You might have to try a few different places because not all locations carry them

If you cant find locally I can send you price and get one for you

Save the hook from the old one because there are 6 sizes and the Home Depot version might be different.

With this lock you often need to change the hook size to get it to work with the hasp on the vertical door jamb.

With other locks you can put washers behind the hasp to move it in further to hook up but that doesnt always work with this style

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