The best small businesses to start usually revolve around doing something simple. That is certainly the case with screen repair. Every city in North America needs new screen doors and I have really good doors. Selling and installing them are both easy to do.
Start a business in your home town installing new screen doors. Call on home owners to replace their broken doors or get bulk orders from condominiums and townhouses.
I can ship the door kits straight to you or your customer for you to assemble and install. Or keep your own inventory of popular screen door sizes ready for immediate install.
I can help you with leads in your area and help you add a profitable business line. All you have to do is keep the customers happy and you will see referals and return business year after year.
Are you an independent representative. Do you call on property managers and window manufacturers ? These businesses often need screen doors made in bulk if they are replacing old windows and doors.
on local contractors, glass shops and hardware stores and add a
profitable line that you can sell to your existing accounts. I can help
you with referrals and recurring commissions on sales you organize in
your area. Contact me for details.
Does the idea of selling or installing my screen doors appeal to
you ? I think its truly one of the best small businesses to start. It
does not take long to learn.
Drop me a line through the contact form and lets talk more about it.
I would like to help get you started !
Need equipment or training ? I can help with both of those.
Thousands of visitors come to this site and many of them need screen repair work done. I can refer business to you.
Let me know about your concerns and I will answer your questions.
by Ed L.
(Glasgow, Delaware)
Done with the best small businesses to start page ?,
click to return to the home page
I am 57 years old and interested in opening a screen repair business in
southern Delaware. There are a number of beach communities and I
believe that this would be a good opportunity. I have experience in
residential construction but not specifically in screen repair.
you have any knowledge of the potentials in Delaware and can you point
me in the right direction in reference to material to have on hand and a
repair guide that I could take a look at.
by Barry R.
(Baltimore Maryland)
I spent 20 Years in the Retail Hardware Business!
I have owned and run Hands on a Handyman Business for the Last 5 years in Baltimore Maryland.
I am licensed by the state of Maryland and insured and bonded.
We are always looking for referals.
Looking for profitable opportunity
by Gordon C.
(Sugar Land Texas)
Semi-Retired , looking for profitable.
Handy1 LLC General Manager
by Mel H.
(Alexandria, VA)
My company specializes in single and multi family home repairs. We are interested in screening jobs in the Washington DC metro area. We do have experience fabricating and repairing window screens.
Information on screen repair as a business
by DK
(Wilmington, NC - USA)
Screen King,
I am exploring the Screen Repair Business Opportunity and associated businesses selling their equipment, Franchises, etc...........Do you recommend any of these
companies and or where can one purchase the necessary equipment, to grow and operate this "niche" business?
Please advise.
Kind regards,
mark caughey
by mark
my name is mark i live in creston b.c canada where there is no where to get your screen door fixed after pets or kids have ruined it i run a small buisness a handy man buisness and i have had a number of calls to fix peoples screen doors and windows that need to be re-screened i have been searching for a product i could do myself i am a carpenter with a ticket and i have 5 other tickets i hope you could help me the kootoneys is a big area for a good product like yours
thanks hope to hear from you
Hi Mark;
Happy to help,
To get started you would normally need a 100 foot roll of black fiberglass screening, a few rolls of spline perhaps 0.160, 0.180 and 0.250 diameter and a good screen roller.
It's good to have a work bench with cleats attached to 2 sides big enough to hold a typical screen door.
With that simple equipment and basic hand tools you can get started repairing screens. I can help you with the materials and whatever information you need.
Just email me or (phone me) using the email address on the home page of all-about-screen
Mobile screen business
by Ray M
(Nanaimo BC)
I am looking at starting a mobile screen business.
Do you have a catalog available with wholesale pricing?
I am about to semi retire and after some research thought this would be a good business to start.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated'
Residential construction in Florida
by Douglas W.
(St. Augustine, Florida)
residential construction for 30+ in st.augustine,florida.small vintage town with many homes 50,75,100 years old.small business like this would be perfect for me,my truck and my dog. please email any info. thank-you for the time and info.
CC Screen Repairs
by Kitty H
(Ontario, Canada)
Good day,
I am based in Hamilton though do operate a mobile service. For years I've done home repairs and renovations (bath/kit, dry wall, tiles, etc) and storm/patio doors and window screen repairs and installs have been a part of my services.
Recently I've decided to begin the adjustment to gear mainly to screens and all that entails. I don't want to be hauling drywall in another 20 years or even 10.
Perhaps you have some words of wisdom for me.
Enjoy the snow today,
Kitty H.
by Jerry
(Whiteville NC)
I was looking into starting a mobile screen replacement/repair/sunscreen business. My location is in southeastern North Carolina (Whiteville, NC) 23 miles north of Myrtle Beach South Carolina 50 miles west of Wilmington and 50 miles east of Sayetteville North Carolina. Fayetteville has a Screen Mobile Franchise. There is not much Competition with this business in my area. My thoughts are pushing solar screens. We have 90 degree summers although solar screens have very little winter time affects but fade protection. My worst problem is starting frame sizes and color. This is where the startup money goes. There are so many different size and colors that this can get expensive. You can have a great starting inventory for under $2000 If you knew the most popular frame sizes.
Mobile screen repair service
by Jason M.
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
I am from the Ottawa, Ontario area. Currently the only established business that does any of this type of rescreening and/or screen window and door repair work in this area is a business called Dad's screenmobile. Their service is horrible. I have been calling and begging them to come to my home to look for weeks (now 3 months). Sometimes they have said that I need to take the day off work to accomodate them, other times they havent called back, and other times they said there were too busy with other clients. I believe that there would be an excellent opportunity to enter the market in this business area. The Ottawa (NCR area) has a population of 1million people and growing quickly in the suburbs.
My screen door is still broken and the cheap screen door replacements at home depot, rona, and BMR warehouse are inadaquate (I am even surprised that these reptuaable business do not have any premium screen door replacements).
I would need a "getting started" information kit and to advertise in the immediate area. I would also need to be aware of the core material cost and the supply timing for part requests. Please note that I am only interested in distributing "premium" window door and replacement repairs.
Screen repair business
by John H.
(San Diego, CA)
Thank you for the very helpful website. I have a small window cleaning business and I could replace some screens for a few customers. I saw you info about the screen replacement kit. Could you please advise me of the possibilies for starting to replace screens for my customers and where I may be able to obtain a "starter-kit". Meanwhile, I'll review the other informative tips on you site. I'm in the San Diego area.
Window Screen Help
by Rene
(McAllen, TX)
I just recently opened up a small screen business from my home and I would love to learn as much as possible. I have been in business for about 2 years now, but I feel like I have a lot to learn.
I would love to learn how to install sliding screen doors, and make solar screens for arched windows. Even the difficult work like the gridwork on screens.
Any advice would be great.
Hi Rene;
Glad to hear that you are off to a great start.
Installing new sliding screen doors is pretty simple. Its all in getting the measuring right.
I would love to help by supplying you with screen doors and any advice you need to install them in different types of patio doors.
Contact me at the email address on the home page if you wish to discuss this further.
Start a screen repair business
by laurie
(hilton head island sc)
Looking to start a re-screening-new screens-retractable screen and storm door replacement business...what products do you recommend. Also, what start-up equipment do I need at a minimum? Thanks
Window Cleaning business owner
by Phil H.
(Nampa, ID, USA)
I own a window cleaning business and do some minor screen repair from time to time. I do not have the skills to build a screen from scratch, just basic recreening. I would like to offer my customers screen replacment if they need it and not lose that income to someone else.
Start your own business doing screens
I am saddened to see that people are spending upwards of $100,000 thousand for a mobile screen franchise. Please learn the trade from videos and screen repair suppliers and start your own business using your local score and small business development centers. The money you will save in royalties will put your kids through college and prevent the one percenters from getting any more richer. Strybucs and cr laurence are great suppliers.. using a pick up truck, van or trailer to haul around the minimal equipment is all you need. Do screen windows and doors, sliding doors,pet guards. If you run your business right you should realize a 60% profit on every job after ALL expenses are paid. Oh and the sbdc and SCORE in your area will help you learn about how to advertise efectively in your area at a minimal cost. I know screen repair guys working 7 months grossing $200,000+ realizing a profit of 120k+ after all expenses paid. AGAIN working only 7 months and without a franchise..... It is easy
Please Steve tell all those interested to stay away from the franchise offerings. They will lock people into ten year agreements in which after one year they will realize the mistake they made.
Business starter
by Tim
(Elk Grove, CA)
Hi, I would like to start a repairing
screens business. I am thinking of a mobile business with a trailer.
Please let me know what you can help.
Thank you,
Starting a Screen Door Business in Asia
by Shirley Quinn
(San Jose, CA)
I would like to introduce the Screen Door
Business in Asia because houses there are open to many critters, frogs,
snakes, lizards, as well as deadly mosquitoes. I grew up there and I
feel that this business would thrive successfully over there since it
makes the home safe and clean. There are always cases of death due to
dengue fever which results from a mosquito bite.
I would like
to find out how I can do this. My family members are there and they can
become our business partners. Since it is completely new over there,
we would have to start them from the ground up. This business will take
off and become a successful business since there is a definite NEED for
such a screen door to every open ventilation points.
Please guide me!
by Louie Oetelaar
(Oshawa Ont Canada)
I am retired 61 yr old man that would like to keep busy and learn how to repair screans , and start a small busniss .after working in the auto industry for 30 yrs I worked at home renovations for 4 yrs and now would like to try some thing new
by Jud
(Essex Ma)
I established a screen repair business at the Hardware store where I work and payed owner 10 percent now after ten years of service the owner wants to increase to 20 percent is this fair? I do pick up delivery and supply all my own material
and can do on premise or off
Hi Jud,
It depends how much work the owner gives you. If the workload is increasing you might be able to absorb the increase you pay to the hardware store. Take a look at your costs and see if there is room to increase your prices.
One of the biggest costs is traveling to and from customers. You can easily spend 50% of your time just getting to and from jobs as well as picking up material. That time is time lost fixing screens.
Maybe the Hardware store owner just renegociated his lease and is facing increased costs. Or, maybe he is just trying to see how far he can push you.
Check around for other options, see how much other hardware stores might offer for your services. You might find a better offer elsewhere.
One things for sure, theres still plenty of screens to be fixed.
Anonymous Comment:
4 years ago, I called the local hardware store and asked the price of re-screening a patio door for a friend. At the time I had no material or proper tools to do it for her.
I was told that they stopped doing screen repair 2 years before. I asked how much they would have charged, they told my and I started (part time) doing re-screening, I added 10% and almost always go to the home to do the repair.
They have since given me all of the re-screening that they get calls for. The business is there if you look for it. I was not looking to become rich.
Window Screen Repair Business
by Ralph
Could you please tell me what is your best way for advertising your Screen Business ? How much insurance did you have to cover your business. I want to do go to Customers and have Screens dropped off to.
Hi Ralph. By far, the best kind of advertising is word of mouth. Whenever I fix screens on a residential street, I always do the work in plain view of all the neighbours if possible. That way, you get new business from other residents on the street.
As for insurance, you need $1 to $2 million liability insurance. Proof of insurance is often required by property managers if you are going to be working in condo complexes or hi rise buildings.
Darrick Pierce
Dear Screen King, I'm looking at purchasing a Mobile Screen repair franchise business in San Diego, CA. I've been speaking with franchisees all over the country, and they all seem pleased with the income and the franchisor. I've been checking the competition in the area, I feel there's room for another mobile screening company.
My territory will incompass approx 1.2 million people. Will you give me your thoughts on your past business, and maybe give me some insights I could use through the negotiating purchase period?
Fixing screens is something that everyone needs done. Its a job that many hardware stores and even glass shops dont want to do. That creates a niche for people who want to set up their own business doing screen repair.
You've already done the most prudent thing by checking out the experience of franchise purchasers. If you are happy with the feedback I would suggest going with the franchise.
Mr Screens
by Steve Cannady
(Carlsbad, California)
Just wanted to say hello to my Canadian counterpart.
While I am sure we have never met, I have been using the same line, "Kids, cats and dogs keep me in business!" for 35 years! Must be an example of The Collective Unconscious. :) It certainly is a true statement!
I've been looking over your site and think you have done an excellent job in posting tips for screen repair. In these difficult times it pays for us to all help each other out to survive in the most economically beneficial way possible.
You might be interested to know that we are now promoting screens as a "green" product and are very invested in being part of the Green Movement. After all, good screens and healthy air flow can take the place of air conditioning, and sun screen can provide shade when properly placed.
We use a silica-based lubricant on screen rollers, rather than the old-fashioned petroleum-based products. We offer our neighbors a place to drop off their broken aluminum screens for recycling. We build a glassine panel for swinging screen doors that acts as insulation, allowing the homeowner to leave his front door open to let sunshine in, while the glassine panel keeps out the cold.
We are in constant contact with our supplier searching for more environmentally-friendly frame material - and we look forward to seeing hemp or another similiar renewable resource to replace aluminum in the future. After all, Henry Ford's first vehicle was made out of hemp!
If you ever find yourself in Carlsbad, San Diego, California, I would love you to stop by and say hello! It is always good to meet a fellow Screen Brother.
If you are interested in seeing more about me, or becoming a Fan of Ask Mr Screens, here are my links:
Twitter: @askmrscreens
Facebook: Steve Cannady Ask Mr Screens
Best regards,
Steve Cannady
Ask Mr Screens
Steve's Screens Company
Established Carlsbad Village March 14, 1975
35 Years in Carlsbad, California USA
by Cynthia
(Aurora, Ohio)
Screen repair table clamping bar and bracing
Screen repair table in use
would like to be able to start a mobile screen repair business.
Currently I bring screens home to my garage, fix and return to
homeowner. My question is what type of vehicle to use and how to carry a
screen table with me.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Cynthia;
like to use a full size van with a built in storage rack so I can stow
the table as well as new screen doors ready for installation. The van to
me seems to offer the most versatility.
You can also use a small
pickup with a cap. It has the advantage that there is something between
you and all the sharp metal in the back in case you have to stop
Others find small trailers with built in screen table
really useful because you can drop off the the trailer, leave a crew
working and then use the towing vehicle to pick up supplies or check out
new business.
As for the screen repair table, I have enclosed
pictures of my own. I made it out of 1/4" pegboard with framing
underneath for reinforcement. I have a 3/4" thick lip all around the
table so spring clamps can be used to keep work in place.
table sits on 2 sawhorses and the whole affair can easily be stowed in a
minivan or pickup truck. At 36" x 96" the table is big enough to handle
any size of screen door.
Anonymous Comment:
many screens does an average professional screener make per hr? per day?
whats the average pay in the southwest? are the paid per screen? per
order? sq ft? sorry but my dad owns a screen shop but even he does not
know how the rest of the world does it. just wondering cause im entering
the business and plan on moving later.
<b>Great Questions !
takes me about 7 minutes to re-screen a 36" x 79" screen door from
start to finish without rushing and without any problems like cloth or
spline that's been epoxied in place. That's 68 screen doors a day hoping
that my arm would last.
Cost to re-screen where the screen is
brought in, $30 to $40 and if done on site $65. I'm sure there are
places that are cheaper but it is dependant on how much you pay for your
materials, your shop and driving and maintaining your truck.
do have to figure out what your costs are so you know what to charge.
Some shops use a cost per square foot, others use cost per united inch
and to arrive at those costs they add together material cost, overhead,
labour cost and profit margin.
Another factor is that you need to
diversify. Screens are only good for the spring and summer. Things like
caulking, weatherstripping and locks can help during the colder months.
Hope this helps