Mrs Homeowner wins the battle

by Gayle
(Kremmling, CO)

One up One down

One up One down

WOW - Thank you so much for the information! I have lived in our "new" home (built in 1947) since May. Nearly ALL the screens needed to be replaced. I did one on the ground floor while it was still installed since I couldn't figure out how to remove it from the storm window assembly.

It was "OK", but I did cut it in one place while inserting the spline - will probably need to replace it again. I enlisted my son to help with the upper windows - ON A LADDER. So dangerous and difficult, we tried to find another way...So, the job was laid off for another day.

I was standing outside this morning looking at this tremendous job that lay ahead, when it occurred to me to ask google ---- I asked "how do I remove the screen from a storm window" and it took me directly to your website! What a relief!

I already have two screens down and one back up and beautifully repaired! It was also wonderful to be able to clean 40+ years of dirt off the frames and inside the window. I'll submit before and after pictures when I'm done, but for now, just enjoy the process.

Thank Gayle !

Glad to hear that fixingscreens was helpful !

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